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Everytime You Go Away
Paul Young





A beautiful novel, much more uplifting than what one might expect in a dystopian world. Leif Enger writes with a magical presence. Highly recommended. 








Let's have fun on Thursdays! It's all jokes....good, bad, but all come with a smile.


Send your jokes to me!



  Join the Scott Richards Show for the annual Little River BLUE CRAB FESTIVAL May 18th and 19th. Want free tickets AND official Blue Crab T-Shirts? Enter here for your chance to win!





Here's my constant side kick Chloe. She's a graduate of the Humane Society of North Myrtle Beach! She looks so nice.  BUT she will NOT let anyone in the house. Beast mode. 


"Choose to be Optimistic. It feels better. " The Dali Llama.